Algeria leather craft

Tuesday, 24 September, 2024135 words2 minutes
In the Casbah of Algiers, traditional arts and crafts, such as leatherworking, have been passed down for generations.
However, craftsmen like Boulachab Nasser fear this heritage might disappear due to a lack of interest and support. Nasser is a fourth-generation leatherworker, having learned the craft from his ancestors. Over time, his family gained experience, passing down valuable techniques and knowledge. Despite their efforts, Nasser sees fewer young people willing to learn these trades, especially males in his family. He continues his work out of love, but he admits it is difficult to make a living from it.
The Casbah itself, rich in history and culture, represents the spirit of Algiers, and the products made by craftsmen like Nasser reflect this identity. The concern is that with fewer people learning these skills, traditional crafts will vanish.
Algeria leather craft


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  • heritage
  • ancestor
  • vanish