Woman Rescued from Cave After 75 Hours
Friday, 20 December, 2024147 words2 minutes
Ottavia Piana, a 32-year-old researcher, was successfully rescued after being trapped in a cave in northern Italy for 75 hours. The incident occurred when Piana fell five meters while exploring an uncharted area of the Bueno Fonteno cave, located east of Bergamo. She suffered multiple injuries, including fractures to her face, ribs, and knee.
The rescue operation was extremely challenging due to the cave's depth and narrow passages. Nearly 160 technicians from 13 Italian regions worked tirelessly to bring Piana to safety. Rescuers had to carefully navigate through tight spaces, stopping every 90 minutes to check on her condition.
Despite the difficulties, the rescue team managed to bring Piana out earlier than expected. She was strapped to a stretcher and wrapped in blankets as she was carried through the cave. The successful rescue highlights the skill and dedication of the emergency services involved in this complex operation.