People Celebrate The Shortest Day
Sunday, 22 December, 2024161 words3 minutes
Thousands of people gathered at the ancient Stonehenge monument to welcome the winter solstice. This event marks the shortest day and longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. Visitors cheered and played drums as the sun rose, even though clouds blocked the view. Stonehenge, built about 5,000 years ago, is a circle of massive stones. Its exact purpose remains a mystery, but it might have been a temple, a solar calculator, or a cemetery.
Researchers have made interesting discoveries about Stonehenge. Some stones came from far away, including Scotland and Wales. This suggests that Stonehenge might have been a symbol of unity for ancient British people. The monument connects them to their ancestors and the cosmos.
The winter solstice occurs because the Earth tilts as it moves around the sun. This tilt causes unequal daylight in different parts of the world. After the winter solstice, days start getting longer in the Northern Hemisphere, bringing hope for the coming spring.