How Video Calling Started

Thursday, 26 September, 2024141 words2 minutes
In the late 1890s, people started to think that it could be possible to see the person who they were calling. It was not easy to develop such technology.
In the 1930s, special boots were in post offices, but the video was very bad. In 1955, the US company Kay Lab invented Television-Phone, and they called it ‘the telephone of tomorrow’. The screen was 25 centimeters wide and two people could see each other while calling.
Scientists developed much better technologies in the 1980s and 1990s, but they were very expensive. In the late 1990s, it became possible to use the Internet for video calling and people started to use the technology normally.
Many people started to use video calling in 2020 because they could not meet each other. Funny moments happened sometimes because people could not use the technology well.
How Video Calling Started


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  • develop
  • technology
  • boot